Portfolio : Botanical Models

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Botanical Models

Brees Studio botanical models are well known for their realism, durability and intricate detail. We achieve this through field collection of live specimens, photographic reference, scientific research and careful observation. Botanical models can range in size from a 3 inch tall Arctic Tundra Bunchberry plant to a towering 50 foot tall White Oak tree. The majority of our plant models, including huge trees, come from molds taken directly from the live specimen. This molding process, whether conducted in the studio with a live collected plant or done in the field on a live standing tree, is one of the largest contributing factors in our ability to create life-like models. A Siberian Aster plant model is not complete until it has an application of fine hairs over the entire length of its stem. Brees Studio’s artists thrive on the challenge of making an exquisitely delicate plant that is also durable enough to withstand a curious child’s playful enthusiasm.

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Black Eyed Susan
Black Eyed Susan
Arctic Lupine
Arctic Lupine
Pickerel Weed
Pickerel Weed
Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold
Prickly Saxifrage
Prickly Saxifrage
Dwarf Cornel Dogwood
Dwarf Cornel Dogwood
Highbush Cranberry
Highbush Cranberry
 Cutleaf Toothwort
Cutleaf Toothwort
Trout Lily
Trout Lily
Skunk Cabbage
Skunk Cabbage
Large White Trillium
Large White Trillium
Wild Grape
Wild Grape
Big Burr Reed
Big Burr Reed
Rose Mallow
Rose Mallow
Arrow Arum
Arrow Arum
Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower
Fringed Gentian
Fringed Gentian
Purple Coneflower model
Purple Coneflower
Siberian Aster
Siberian Aster

Shrubs & Grasses

Antelope Bitterbrush
Antelope Bitterbrush
Dwarf Arctic Birch
Dwarf Arctic Birch
Beaked Sedge
Beaked Sedge
Grass & Groundform
Grass & Groundform


Alaskan Rainforest
Alaskan Rainforest
Old Growth Forest
Old Growth Forest
Wisconsin River Bluffs
Wisconsin River Bluffs
Ozark Mountain Scene
Ozark Mountain Scene
American Chestnut Trunk
American Chestnut Trunk
Black Tupelo Forest
Black Tupelo Forest
AcaciaAcacia tree at the Field Museum in Chicago
50 foot tall White Oak
50 foot tall White Oak
30 foot tall White Oak
30 foot tall White Oak
 Burr Oak
Burr Oak
Black Spruce
Black Spruce
Tree @ Mastadon
Black Ash
White Oak
White Oak
Cypress Trunks
Cypress Trunks
Sugar Maple Trunk
Sugar Maple Trunk
River Birch Trunk
River Birch Trunk
White Birch Trunk
White Birch Trunk
Black Tupelo Trunk
Black Tupelo Trunk
Red Buckeye
Red Buckeye
Virginia Creeper
Virginia Creeper
Long Leaf Pine
Long Leaf Pine
White Oak foliage
White Oak Foliage
White Oak foliage
White Oak Foliage
White Spruce
White Spruce

Additional Botanical Models

Enlarged Soybean
Enlarged Soybean
Corn Stalk model
Corn Stalk
Hops & Barley
Hops & Barley
Seed Models
Seed Models
Plant & Groundform models
Plant & Groundforms
Pollination model
Pollination Model
Brees Studio

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